Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Beagle and the Dane (Part 1)

I love beagles like I love Justin Bieber. They're cute as long as they keep their mouths shut.  I love Great Danes like I love Brad Pitt.  All I want to do is cuddle with them all day, and it's not really an issue if they lick my face.

While I'm sure I could end this right here and most of you out there would completely understand, I'm going to expand upon these ideas a little further.

Just in case you're new to my life, I'll start my introducing you to my children. (The two that aren't currently swimming around in my uterus, that is.)  Wilbur is our 9 months old Great Dane.  He weighs right around 100 pounds and his back is about as tall as our kitchen table.  He'll grow for another 5 months.  Rudy is our 2 year old Beagle.  While he looks like the size of a chipmunk next to Wilbur, he's the bully in the house.

We'll start with the ways they are similar.  They both like rawhide bones, sleeping on our bed, and watching people walk into the church across the street on Sunday mornings.  I think it ends there.

Rudy is extremely smart, but more stubborn than anything. Wilbur is a little on the slow side, but will do whatever you ask of him.  Rudy destroys things because he thinks it's fun, such as my underwear, all of the tissues in the trash can, and electrical cords. (BTW- how is it he hasn't been shocked yet?)  Wilbur destroys things on accident.  He can't stop on the tile floor and puts a dent in the wall, he gets too excited and his tail breaks all the glasses on the coffee table, and he really didn't know the screen was supposed to stay in the window.

Having Rudy is like having a fire alarm that goes off at everything.  We're leaving without him?  He howls.  We're not paying enough attention to him?  He howls.  The TV channel is too boring for him?  He howls.  This only gets worse when we take him on walks.  Is that a dog?  He howls.  Is that a lawnmower?  He howls.  Is that a big body of water?  He howls.  What exactly is his saying?

He can walk the first 15 minutes with his front feet never touching the ground.  For a smart dog you would think he'd realize the flow of oxygen would be much more efficient if he just gave up a little bit of slack. If we try to take him to a park, like the walking trail at Kesling, the biggest problem is that he can see and howl at every single person, dog, and squirrel within a half-mile radius.  If we try to take him around the neighborhood, people come out on their porches too see who is abusing that poor animal making all that noise.  (Not an exaggeration, it actually happens.)  No matter where we take him, we have to bring at least four plastic bags.  It doesn't matter that he's been out in a backyard for the last six hours, he will find three or more places to dump.

Rudy is my husband's favorite.  I think it's just to make me angry because it means I can't get rid of him.  (The beagle, not my husband.)  Wilbur, however is my favorite, which may become obvious in the next post...

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