Friday, May 25, 2012

Mission: Porch Time

Apparently it's difficult getting a job as a pregnant woman, especially if you're smart enough to put it on your resume or job application.  Wait, was 'smart' the word I meant to use there?
I'm spending the summer going to school twice a week and getting more round the rest of the time.  Nick and I have obviously been stressing about this, since it cuts into our income pretty seriously.  And then a few days ago I realized something.
I've completely lost my connection with God.  I worked a few summers and a fall at a church camp in southern Indiana, where I felt closer to my Savior than ever before.  I was surrounded by other college students, and together we were all completely open about our faith.  Every day held a specific time just for prayer and time with God.  I personally spent most of that time journaling, which is the best way for me to concentrate and organize my thoughts.
I've been attending church pretty regularly, but I realized that that did not really mean anything.  I can go to a restaurant every day, but if I don't actually eat anything I'm not going to be full.  I needed to make my faith and my religion my life again, especially with a baby on the way!
This revelation started with a book I happened to pick up from Walmart a few days ago titled, "My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife" by Sara Horn.  I finished it in three days. (And highly recommend it for every wife out there!)  For those three mornings I sat on the porch, ate my breakfast, and took my time reading and thinking.  Those three days were not only the most productive days I've had in weeks, but the happiest and most peaceful.  So I drove to Barnes and Noble, bought a new journal and a devotional for mothers.  It's incredible how the 45 minutes I spend on the porch every morning has changed my attitude and my day.
So this post is a Mission Statement.  I believe that the reason I'm unemployed this summer is so that I can spend my time focusing on reconnecting with God.  I want my daughter to be raised in the same environment that I was.  I want her to understand that 'religious' is not something we do, it is something we are.  I will never accomplish these things if I cannot first get myself in the right place and second lead by example.
Here goes everything.

1 comment:

  1. I am constantly amazed at the way God works. We always think we know what we need and He has a way of moving everything out of the way so that we are drawn to Him. I've found as I spend more time with Him, I am able to see His plans for my life. Hope you continue to spend time with God daily. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll have to read it over summer break.

    Michelle Allen
