Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Baby is Crying

There is something about a baby crying that makes everyone panic.  When my daughter was a week old we were driving to someone's house and she started crying in the back.  It was so horrible to hear that when we got there I ran out of my door yelling, "Don't worry mommy is coming!"  There is an awkward moment when she starts crying.  Right before the first scream her bottom lip puckers and her chin quivers a little.  It's one of the cutest things I've ever seen!  For about two seconds.  And then it's not cute but alarming.
The first reaction of everyone when a baby starts crying is, "Where the heck did we put the pacifier?!"  Or in our house it's more like, "Wilbur! You drop that pacifier RIGHT NOW!" (Wilbur: 5, Pacifiers: 0)  And when she refuses to take it, you still continue to shove it into her mouth hoping that she'll appreciate your effort and stop crying.
The most frustrating cry is the tired cry, simply because it is SO irrational.  The more she cries the more tired she becomes, and then the more she cries.  You just get to sit there any try to reason with her, which is usually unsuccessful.  And by usually, of course, I mean always.
Avelyn is becoming strong enough that when she gets really frustrated she straightens herself into a board.  She is protesting whatever we are trying to do by refusing to bend.  "You want to put me into the car seat?  Ha! I shall outsmart you by turning into a wooden plank!" And it's not a good feeling, being outsmarted by a baby.
Also, I should mention that nothing boosts your self-worth like picking up a crying baby and she immediately stops.  On the other hand, nothing smashes you into the ground like a happy baby that starts crying when she looks at you.
Most of the time I think our baby cries just to prove that she controls us.  You want to sit down on the couch?  Too bad for you, because the baby wants you to stand.  But not just stand, the baby wants you to walk up and down the stairs, skipping every third step, doing 4 lunges at the top and bottom, and making barn animal noises.  And you will do it because it will get to the point that you will do anything to stop her crying. (Especially when she's as cute as OUR baby is.)
In reality, there are many many more wonderful moments than there are stressful ones.  At least, once you get past the first two months.  Avelyn is also smiling regularly, which might be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.  She loves bath time.  Her dad is wrapped around her tiny little fingers.  So while the exhausting, frustrating, and trying moments seem to stick in my mind sometimes, the wonderful moments always push them away.  At least until she starts crying again.

1 comment:

  1. Bahah! This is SO accurate! I forgot all about the "wooden plank" stage. Gosh :D Also our cat always takes the binki! And walks around with it in her mouth like she's gonna go take a nap herself... sigh lol
