Thursday, July 28, 2011

Love Ain't Cheap

Our honeymoon was exactly what we had in mind. The day after the wedding, we headed into Chicago to cheer on the cubs and fiesta at the block party.
After a few days there we headed to Florida, which we could only do because of the generosity of a good friend with a condo in Ft. Myers.
We were determined to spend our time in Chicago and Florida without (barely) any hold. We did something exciting every day, none of which were free. We were still careful while away not to spend too much. We always called around for the best prices, and ruled out the outrageous stuff.
My personal favorite was the morning we went on a jet ski dolphin tour. We were sitting on the beach waiting for the rest of the tour when our guide started a conversation with us. He was quite informational. He explained to us that the people swimming this early in the morning this time of year were idiots, (his word, not mine) because it is the time that sharks feed.
At this point I turn to my new husband, who was the designated driver, and told him, "You dump me from the jet ski and you'll be sleeping on the couch until I stop having nightmares."
But it gets better.
"They come to feed on the sting rays that hide under the sand," he explained to us.
This is where another guide felt the need to join in.
"I've been stung quite a few times," he told us. "Since they hide under the sand you can step on them and they snap up and sting you with their venom."
So let's get this straight.
It is the time if year that sharks come to this part of Florida. They feed close to the beach I'm sitting on because of the stingrays that hide under the sand of the shallow water.
That's all dandy while I'm sitting on the sand, but then they tell me it is my turn to wade to our jetski.
You may as well have called me Jesus, because I was walking on water the whole way out there.
Just in case you were worried, we survived the day incident free.
We've been back for about a month now, with the sweet memories and the photo album on the coffee table.
And then the credit card bill came in the mail.
Needless to stay, it took more than one cup of cold water to unfreeze Nick.
While we don't regret any penny of our honeymoon, we certainly will not be vacationing anytime soon again.

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