Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Barron's Wisdom

When talking about Rudy, you may hear me reference to Barron quite a bit.  Barron's Dog Bible: Beagles, as it is officially called.
I bought this book awhile ago because I knew a knowledge-filled book was the perfect tool to use in order to get the 'stubborn-stupid' part out of Rudy.
Perfect tool as in the way of whacking him when he's chewing apart my underwear, that is.
Of all the dog-training books I have glanced at, I like this one the best.  It was wrote about beagles, which is MUCH different that a book written for dogs.  A dog book says, "Your dog lives to please his master.  It is his greatest reward."  A beagle book (such as Barron) says things like, "The Beagle's stubborn streak is legendary.  Ask a beagle to come and you may or may not get a response, unless of course, you are waving a treat in the air.  Tell a Beagle to sit, and he'll do it if he feels like it.  Or not.  As for stay, well, just hope your Beagle doesn't get wind of something interesting, or he'll forget the meaning of the word."
Ain't that the truth.
Last night I made an italian dish that required chicken.  The styrofoam container it came in was safely tucked away in the trash.
We caught Rudy dashing away with it THREE times before Nick buried it deep enough he couldn't reach it.  Each time we caught him with it we would sternly say 'no' and take it away, as any dog book would tell you to do.
Each time we put it back in the trash it was as if Rudy's mind was telling him, "Maybe this time it will be alright," or "If I get under the table fast enough they'll never know."  As soon as he had it in his mouth he would bolt to the coffee table and squeeze under it.

I was thinking about Rudy's stubborn-stupid streak when I realized that the same could be said about my husband.  I bake cookies and tell him, "Do not eat the cookies.  They are not for you."  I go to the bathroom and come back to find crumbs all over his face.  I tell him "My stomach hurts." And so he pushes on it.  I move his beer around in the fridge and he doesn't understand why the milk is where it use to be.

So maybe all the men in my life suffer from the same thing.  Good thing I'm around to continue hitting them in the face with books.

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