Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Life as a Twilight Novel

I married a werewolf.
And where my husband lacks in shedding my beagle easily makes up for it.
I always understood that hairy men were, well, full of hair.  I have seen the stereotypical lumberjack, but I was also always under the impression that teachers were supposed to be more clean.  When Nick shaves his face (which is becoming less and less frequent recently) the sink looks like a forrest grew in its place.  He has to sleep with his shirt on, otherwise when we cuddle I wake up with chest hairs in my teeth, nose, and ears.
There are quite a few things about being married that have been less than easy to adjust to.  Such as sharing a bed with someone who snores like a moose.  Or the way his breath smells after eating raw hot dogs.  Or his determination to wear the same pair of shorts 10 days in a row.
I can't exactly play innocent, however.  I know there is a list of things I do that drive Nick crazy.  I stick my stray hairs to the shower wall.  I never refill the britah pitcher, so he always finds it in the fridge empty.  I can drink a gallon of milk in three days.
While it appears there are many things about being married that seem hard to handle, there are many more parts that I love.  As a newly married couple everyone is always asking what the best part is.  My personal favorite is simply the companionship.  I love being with Nick every day, waking up next to him, eating next to him, and especially coming home from work to him.  It is very different from before when we would have to plan out what time of day we could spend together.  It seems so much easier now.
In many ways, there are perks to marrying a werewolf.  He is great at keeping me warm at night.  I always feel very protected and safe.  Plus, as Twilight promises, he is very good-looking.

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