Monday, August 1, 2011


My absolute favorite part of being married happens in bed at the end of a grueling day.
Pillow talk.
Nick and I have our best conversations at night in bed.  It's when we both listen best, and because of that we are both more willing to open up.
While we talk about a vast array of things at night, the one question I always ask is, "What was the best part of your day?" This is so important to me because I like knowing what went for my husband in the last 24 hours.  Plus, if the day ended rough, it reminds us that at least something made us smile.
Sometimes our favorites are the same, and sometimes they are different.  I like knowing he's always honest with me. He never tells me what he thinks I want to hear.
This is the reason I don't sleep as well if Nick is already in dreamland when I get home.  Once the man is asleep, there is no waking him back up for a conversation.  My early attempts taught me something very interesting: jibberish will come back as answers to my questions.  It's as if he's awake, because he can hear my questions and will answer them, but I get a front-row view of whatever he's dreaming about at the moment.
For example: (and I solemnly swear these are not changed or tampered with.  They are word-for-word what he said.  I started writing it down.)

Me: What was the best part of your day?
Nick: December 1947.

Me: Can I have my pillow back?
Nick: Just fill your own case.
Me: What case?
Nick: The bank-robbery case.

Once I realized the potential of these conversations.  I started egging them on.

Me: What was the best part of your day?
Nick: Going to Grandma's. (which we hadn't)
Me: And what was Grandma doing?
Nick: Beating up all the children.

Me: What was the best part of your day?
Nick: Fishing. (also which he hadn't)
Me: What did you fish for?
Nick: Goats.
Me: The goats were in the water?
Nick: No, they were in the air.
Me: Oohh.  What else was in the air?
Nick: Farts. (That's probably pretty accurate.)

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